Diu experiences Mild Tropical weather where climate remains noticeably temperate and agreeable all round the year. Being an island, Diu undergoes sober oceanic climatic conditions significantly affected by the cold sea breezes that lessen the calefaction. Generally the weather remains cool and dry and the mercury dangles between 30ºc and 20ºc on and average.


Summer extends from March to June when the weather turns hot and humid but it is quite adequate and pretty bearable. The maximum temperature of summer months in Diu is recorded to be 36ºc while the minimum temperature goes as down as 20ºc. The climatic condition is not at all extreme and you can surely visit Diu in summer as well.


Monsoons pours gentle rains on Diu Island between June and September. The average annual rainfall of Diu is recorded to be 540 millimeters and the maximum ever recorded shower happens to be 63.5 cms. Due to the obvious profusion of water and cordial climate, Diu is also blessed with affluent vegetation. The swarming palm, coconut and Hokka trees swaying to the rhythm of the winds adds to the magnetism of the Diu beaches. Moreover, other timbers enveloping the Diu plains include Furiflora, Acacia and Casurina.


Winter sets in during the month of November and lasts till February. Winter is the most ideal season of the year to visit Diu as this period renders extremely salubrious and delightful climatic condition. The weather turns considerably pleasant and chimerical during this season and even the migratory birds alight at Diu in winter which functions as an additional attraction. During this period of time temperature ranges between 20ºc and 26ºc. The perfect season for tourism interests at Diu is from September to July.

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