Room Description

  • Deluxe A/C Room

    The Deluxe AC room is simple in decor and has basic furniture, such as a double bed, a dressing table with a mirror and drawers, a closet for clothes and a side table with a couple of chairs. Drapes over the windows, a ceiling fan, and an air-conditioner account for other furnishings. The rooms have running hot and cold water all day, and are attended to by room service.

  • Deluxe Non A/C Room

    The Deluxe non-AC room is simple in decor and has basic furniture, such as a double bed, a dressing table with a mirror and drawers, a closet for clothes and a side table with a couple of chairs. Drapes over the windows and a ceiling fan account for other furnishings. The rooms have running hot and cold water all day, and are attended to by room service.

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